Reflective Journal

Write Your Journals here

Writing a Reflective Journal

This practice is an attempt to provide training to STs to develop into reflective practitioners by evaluating and critically reflecting on their own teaching practices. STs need to comment on the planning, preparation, implementation and evaluation of lessons. Various aspects of teaching like gaining attention, motivational activity, introduction, demonstration, lesson development and conclusion, distribution of lesson time, underestimation or overestimation of lesson content, pupil participation, pupil achievement, success or otherwise of the techniques used, effectiveness or otherwise of resources, success of questioning etc. should be looked at.

Each student Teacher is expected to:
 - Teach, evaluate and critically reflect on his/her performance for each lesson taken immediately after teaching it.
- Write the reflections in own handwriting in the - Reflective Journal (an exercise book to be used for this purpose). The reflections should be brief (not more than one page) for each lesson taken. Student Teachers need to comment on the various aspects of teaching like:
                          Phases of lesson-success or otherwise of (gaining attention, motivational activity, introduction, demonstration, lesson development and conclusion, pupil participation, pupil achievement) and Evaluation (Student and ATs.)
                         Lesson Content.
                         The strategies used and its effectiveness, resources used, questioning techniques, etc. or otherwise.
                         Classroom /Time Management.

Answer the following questions in writing your reflections and lesson evaluations:
1. What aspects of the lesson appeared to be particularly successful? Why?
2. What aspects of the lesson appeared to be unsuccessful? Why?
3. If you were to reteach this lesson, what changes would you make?
(Comment on the improvements that need to be made in each aspect of planning, preparation, implementation and evaluation of lessons)

Competency areas: 2. Engine