
This is Votualevu Public School in Nadi. It was established in 1929. I am the ex student of this beautiful school and went back after 6 years as a student teacher. 




Provide Details for your School;

School information (school vision/ mission statements, school management structure)viber_image_2023-07-01_15-05-44-715.jpg.1viber_image_2023-07-01_15-05-48-126.jpg.1

Names and responsibilities of staff in school, School Policies on behaviour, absences, bullying, etc. A brief description of School Ethos)


Other school policies viber_image_2023-07-01_15-29-26-374.jpgviber_image_2023-07-01_15-29-35-796.jpgviber_image_2023-07-01_15-29-53-874.jpgviber_image_2023-07-01_15-29-53-909.jpgviber_image_2023-07-01_15-30-08-378.jpg

 MEHA Code of Conduct; PD and Staff meetingsviber_image_2023-07-01_16-12-30-124.jpg

Class Information (Timetable, Class list, Classroom plan, Details of Grouping, Class Duty roster etc.)


Scheme of Work for the allocated Year (LTP)



Practical details

First assessment was done on 13/06/23 Tuesday in week 4. Mrs. Prasad had came to do the assessment. 

Second assessment was done on 22/06/23 Thursday in week 5. Again Mrs. Prasad had came to do the second assessment.