1.5 MEHA Policy

Child Protection Policy

The policy outlines the need for the well-being, safety and respect of dignity for all children. http://mavuadistrictschool.weebly.com/uploads/1/8/7/8/18786176/24._policy_in_child_protection__of_the_moe__fiji_schools_-.pdf 

Behavior Management Policy 

This policy outlines the framework on how to deal with students offences and indiscipline in school. https://www.education.gov.fj/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/BEHAVIOURMANAGEMENTFinal2015.pdf

Visitors to School Policy 

This document details the MEHA's procedures on visitors to schools. 


Policy Instructions

15.0 Child Protection policy
• It is mandatory for students to keep a copy of Child Protection Policy, Behaviour Management Policy, Visitors to school Policy their practicum file. It must be read, understood and followed at all times.
• ST are also expected to be aware of all other policies of the MEHA.
• Collect other policies as well e.g. School’s Culture Policy, homework, etc. policy so forth and file in your practicum folder.

Competency areas: 2. Engine